How to split the keyboard in program mode ?

Dear Kromeheaveners,

Someone asked it on our facebook group, so i decided to explain it with this tutorial :

I choose a classic split : Bass on the left hand and Piano on the right hand.

Nb : this tutorial makes a focus on the parameters to make the split...of course, you will have to program your own oscillator parameters or copy them from existing programs.

Enjoy !!



In program Page 1 Basic/controllers

Select Double Oscillator mode


In Page 2 : OSC/Pìtch

Select the OSC1 multisample : here we choose a bass.

You can also copy a complete oscillator from the up & right corner menu.


In Page 2 : OSC/Pìtch

Select the OSC2 multisample : here we choose a piano.

You can also copy a complete oscillator definition from the up & right menu.



Finally, in Page 1 : Basic/constrollers.

For OSC1 select the Bottom key and the Top Key

For OSC2 select the Bottom key and the Top Key

Considering there will be no common key between the 2 zones.

That's all, you have your split !


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