Progressive Leader Collection for Krome

Authors : Rustem Yanmishbash & Dmitry Yeryomin from Korg Ukraine, Kurzweiler & Korg !

This pack is a great "Leads" Collection to play progressive rock songs.

It was sent to us by Rustem Y. (Korg Ukraine) in order to be exclusively shared on

It's a superb collection that every "Jordan Rudess" and "Derek Sherinian" fan should have !

If you have more sounds like these leads, do not hesitate to share with us, adding them to this collection !


Patches List

"Progressive Leader Collection"

F000 - DistortionEPRiff
F001 - Rudess' SnarlingPig
F002 - Sqeeky Riff-Lead
F003 - Distortion Piano Riff
F004 - Rudess' ToT Lead
F005 - Rock Leader 1 (Factory preset)
F006 - Rock Leader 2 (Factory preset)
F007 - Hi-Gain Lead
F008 - HarmDrive Lead
F009 - Expressive Lead
F010 - Rudess' LiquidTLead (by Kurzweiler)
F011 - Derek's Monster Lead
F012 - Derek's MetalManiac


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Random Pack !

Luiz Oliveira's Prog Sounds Pack !


Author : Luiz O. Master Key

"Hello Cyph,
We are pleased to inform you that my first package combinations this finished. As I promised, I organized my combinations and I'm sending you to be distributed freely. 
The name of this small collection is Prog Sounds, because I had these ideas really listening Jordan Rudess and Rick Wakeman. 
I'll work on more sounds and soon you'll send more!"

Thank you Luiz,

your sounds are really well programmed, you can be proud of what you have done!!!

As you really deserve it, I've made a 3D box for your pack and made a cool presentation to share your sound with all the krome users !

We expect that you will continue like that because you really made a good job...Maybe interested in our next contest ??? :)

Enjoy !


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