Vocals Samples Kit for krome

Author : Cyph / Computer Mag

Dear All,

here is an awesome pack with all the vocals you need for your music ! Female voice for dance, house, R'nB, ...give a human touch to your creation !

The samples come with a PCG file, but you can do your own program, with effects, etc...Try it !

Enjoy !



As it is based on samples to load on krome start up, here is the installation process :

  1. Turn off your krome.
  2. Copy the 3 files (META.IMG, SAMPLE.IMG, the PCG file) on the root of your SDCARD : they must not be in a directory, in order to load the samples.
  3. Insert the sdcard on your krome (must be shutted off).
  4. If it's the first time you load samples on your krome : Press "page" key and "0" key together and keep pressing the keys while starting your krome.
  5. At the end of the black starting screen, you should have a pop up Windows "opt pcm memory loading"....that sounds good, You CAN release page and 0 keys.
  6. Load the PCG programs.(only the F bank)

NB : Next time you will turn on your krome, it will automatically load the samples if META and SAMPLE file are in the root directory of your SD card.

YOU DO NOT NEED TO PRESS PAGE + 0 BUTTONS the next times you want to load samples.


Download Vocals samples Kit for Krome

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