Author : Cyph

Here are some videos showing the stages of development of the first tool developed to manage samples Krome files.

The analysis of the structure of META.IMG file was made with SynalyzeIt on MAC.

The tool was developed in C with the xcode environment on MAC.

The C program (command line tool) has not been released because i wanted to make a tool with a graphical interface...Kromatool was already in my mind ! :)

First video

Second video
Third video

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Random Pack !

Xavier L. Piano combinations for Korg Krome

Author : Xavier L.

"hop v'la la combi jazz ici avec les piano electrique ( parce que j'utilise des vst pour les pianos acoustique) je te laisse donc le libre arbitre de créer une combi en doublon avec les piano acoustique ."

Thank you Xavier for your pack.

I suppose your Combinations will find its place on kromeheavener's synth !

Enjoy !

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