Korg Krome M1 & Triton Packs demonstration

4 years after it has been released :)

First , I tought that Korg made us a new surprise, with a second version of the M1 & Triton packs, but no, still no upgrade, no new firmware, no new sound pack, but a demonstration done by the talented Luke Edwards, showing us the M1& Triton sounds on a platinium Krome.

Good 80's demonstration : I like this guy : come one here, we need you !

For people discovering the Krome :

The M1 sound pack is available here :


The Triton sound pack is available here :


Donate to Kromeheaven

Random Pack !

Xavier L. Piano combinations for Korg Krome

Author : Xavier L.

"hop v'la la combi jazz ici avec les piano electrique ( parce que j'utilise des vst pour les pianos acoustique) je te laisse donc le libre arbitre de créer une combi en doublon avec les piano acoustique ."

Thank you Xavier for your pack.

I suppose your Combinations will find its place on kromeheavener's synth !

Enjoy !

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