Best Piano Patch 2020 Korg Krome and Krome EX Contest

Author : Cyph

Dear Krome fans,

This site is for you, for your own expression ! It's time for you to back to basics ! A new contest !

With the recent release of the Magic Piano (review to follow in few days) from our friend Dan Stesco, I decided to make a contest where the goal is to make the Best Piano Patch for your Korg Krome or your Korg Krome EX : both are accepted !!!

simple no ?

Ok, here are the rules :

1. Enter the contest making a Piano Patch (famous song, famous piano or even not famous provided you estimate it deserves the share !!!)

2. Send me the PCG file with just the Piano and its patch number in the user bank (F or U-F) : Click here for my mail

2. Bis Optional but really convincing : make a demonstration (youtube or mp3) to preview your piano !

3. Wait for at least 10 patches to close the contest

4. I will select the best one and make a special pack to share all the patch with you.

5. The best will win the Magic Piano Sound Pack for Korg Krome / Krome EX !!!

Agreed ?

ENJOY !!!!!

Thanks to Dan Stesco for the sponsorship and the pack that will be reviewed soon (bombs inside ???)

Cyph /

Donate to Kromeheaven

Random Pack !

Classic Analog Synth Pack for Korg Krome !

Author : Claudio Etcheverria

Hello my friend

I worked hard in recent months in a new (and I think) Original PCG file to share with all Krome friends.

So I decided to send this file wishing you can upload to the website and collect some opinions .

All programs , 23 in total , were created by me .Some guided tutorials and others created completely from scratch .

Perhaps you recognize some because they are based on the sounds and bands that I like.

All have a separate drum track and the final Combi bank are a couple of very useful creations.

It is my humble contribution to this great community of users Korg Krome.


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