Big site update ! Kromatool for all !

This week-end is like christmas ! Kromeheaven site has been updated with many things :

First, Kromatool 0.3.1 is now in beta test and in download for everybody since the next version with kmp / ksf support is coming soon.

Second, many new sound patches for your korg krome have been shared by Nico and Carlos (Best contributors !!! Gracias !) and uploaded to

You can download them from the sound section and upload them following this tutorial., your first free web resources for korg krome synth !

After few weeks of life, kromeheaven is growing : I know that we are read all over the world but I can't let some people saying lies about this site :

Kromeheaven is FREE and all the things you can download here are FREE.

Kromatool is a personal tool that took me long time, first to make the reverse engineering on krome sample files, second to build a java tool for everybody (and not only for MAC), so it is normal that I ask some participation from your side.

You can send me your patches or videos, write tutorial...etc. If you cannot do that, you can donate some money to help me to continue this development.

Nothing mandatory but that will help me !

Best regards,


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