
Kromatool 0.6.0 - The last version ?

Hello Kromeheaveners,

I have a good and a bad news for you !

The good one

I managed to convert many KSC/KMP from Triton and M3 synths to the Krome format and Kromatool 0.6.0 is very near from what I was thinking !

My last try concerned professionnal samples (that, of course, I can't publish on kromeheaven, since it is a copyrighted content...) and what I can say is that the result is very interesting !

Kromatool 0.6.0 presents a lot of improvements, some are not visible from you and some are more graphical...(For example : Waveforms GUI presentation has changed, with Start /End Addresses...and also the loop information...)

Let's watch the video :

The bad News (In fact, not so bad ;) )

No release date...I am thinking of a mean for encouraging people to share their sounds with others...(I've asked you many time to participate (donation or sounds) I can't continue without your support...)

So, here is the deal :

During a first period : Send me your KSC/KMP files that you want to convert for sharing on kromeheaven (only good and not copyrighted samples) : I will convert them for krome and publish the generated package here for everybody.

If the first period works well, during a second period, all the heavy contributors (and people that would have donated) will receive a copy of kromatool in order to continue their sharing.

If the second period works well, Kromatool will be released for all.

I am waiting for you ;) ;) ;)
